Sunday, 16 November 2008

Jezza's favourite thing

I asked Jezza when he woke up what his favourite thing is. When he'd stopped yawning and stretching (which is a bit scary when he is such a big giraffe) he said,
"Well it's fluid, man!"
I said,
"What, like water or something?"
And he said,
"No man, I mean it's ever-changing: today it's one thing tomorrow it's flowed on to something else."
Right. Jezza says confusing stuff like that a lot. He's an artist you see. A Rubbish Artist. He makes sculptures out of bits and pieces that he finds. And they're not very good.
After another nap, Jezza said,
"My favourite thing is whatever I'm working on at the moment."
Which means that this sculpture must be Jezza's favourite thing right now.
It's called 'Piles of Stuff with string. And a pepper.'

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