Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Yummy stuff

I don't know what it is like where you are but it is miserable here: all rainy and a bit chilly. And I am sad because I have no friends. And it will make me sadder still to tell you about that now so I think maybe you should read the book all about me. You can see all about it and everything on www.theschnoops.com

When I am sad Trevor makes me something very special to drink. And that special something is Hot Chocolate and today he let me help him.

First we put some milk in a pan and hotted it up. And the important thing is that you have to have a big grown up person or a big grown up elephant like Trevor to help you do that.

When the milk is getting hotted up you put some chocolate in a jug. I wanted to put a whole bar in but Trevor said that wasn't necessified. I think it was, but I broke the bar in half and broke it into pieces. Trevor said there was still too much chocolate but that it wouldn't be healthy and good if I picked it out with my paws so it stayed there.

When the milk was at the point of boiling bubbles Trevor picked the pan up with his trunk and poured some of it over the chocolate. It all went melty and streaky and then Trevor whisked it up with a frother. And I helped and it went very bubbly. And quite a lot went over the table.

Then Trevor put the pan back on the heaty ring and when it was boiling bubbles again he took it off and poured it over the chocolatey milk. He frothed it all the time too. Which is very clever when you think about it.

When it was all smooth and chocolatey he poured it into 2 mugs and put some marshmallows on top. It was very delicious and yummy.

I feel quite a bit better now.

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