Tuesday, 23 December 2008

A BIG smiley thing

I am smiling so much I'm worried that I might actually swallow my head. You see the thing is that something very happy-making and lovely has happened. A book has just come out which is all about me and the other Schnoops! Can you believe that? Isn't it amazing?

I thought only very big important famous people had books written about them, and I'm not important or famous. And I'm certainly not big, that's why I'm called LITTLE Doogs.

Schnoss says that famous people sometimes get too big for their boots, but I won't let that happen to me because I like these boots. And they're quite new.

So if you want to find out more about me and Schnoss and Honey and Trevor and Jezza you could go take a look on www.theschnoops.com and find out where to buy it.

The book's called:
'The Extremely Very scrambled Up World of Little Doogs: Playing The Road Trip Game'

And I suggest that you take a very big breath before you try saying that!

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