Thursday, 11 December 2008


Now of course Jezza wants to make sure that you all know what he looks like. Although it would be hard to miss him with a neck like that.

Jezza is usually asleep. When he is awake he does his Rubbish Art. And when he's feeling arty you'd better hang on to all your precious things. You could turn your back and the next thing you know they are in the middle of one of his 'sculptures'.

I once lost my Special Notebook like that. He'd put it in one of Trevor's pans and mixed it up with flour and water and butter. He called the sculpture 'Eat your words'.

Trevor called it some very rude words of his own. I just cried.

Now whenever Jezza has his arty hat on I keep my Special Notebook inside my sweatshirt out of his way.

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