Friday 19 December 2008

Everyone is very busy

Everyone is very busy and rushing around like people who have been bitten quite hard on the bottom. It is not good.
Schnoss does lots of sums. Then he gets a bit steamed up behind his glasses and crosses them out again. I don't think he must be getting the answers he wants.
Trevor is very busy in the kitchen. He is cooking up some nice smells but his language is not so good. He keeps shouting,
Which is a rude word in the Dutch.
Honey is all snarly and cross with twitchy ears. But that's not really anything new.
And Jezza keeps knocking together some of his rubbish sculptures out of orange boxes and sellotape with a few sprigs of holly thrown in. Then he falls asleep again. But even his snoring sounds very angry.
This is supposed to be a happy time. So I am going to sit very quietly and write in my Special Notebook all the things that make me smile...

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